MBC Vision from Joel Hill
In 2015, Taree was listed as one of the most disadvantaged postcodes in NSW, with high levels of unemployment, domestic violence, and some of the lowest incomes.
This is where Typical Taree Tom lives.
It's an area of poverty, but not because of a lack of employment or income, but first and foremost, because of a lack of hope.
At MBC we want to see thousands across the Manning have a Mighty Hope in Jesus and we’d love you to partner with us to seed fund a Taree church planting hub in March 2020.
There’s a huge gospel need, we’ve got a great commission, a mighty hope, and a worthy God, and so whatever your partnership looks like, we're praying that under God, the result would be a bumper harvest of lives transformed by Jesus to the glory and praise of God.
Let's go!