Support Regional Pastors in Leadership Development



received of $100,000




Project has ended

Reach Australia


You can help regional church pastors to grow and develop through the Reach Australia Leadership Development Program.



We're seeking to raise $100,000 to help subsidise 20 regional church pastors to participate in the Reach Australia Leadership Development Program. We need your help to support regional pastors. 


An overview of the situation for regional church pastors

Much of regional NSW is entirely reliant of the fortunes of farming with the exception being some of the larger regional centres eg Wagga, Orange plus those towns where there is a mining presence eg Hunter Valley.

Whilst NSW came out of drought in mid 2020, the 3-year drought (worst in history) had a dramatic impact. It’s not just farmers who were hit hard. The crippling effects spread beyond the farm gate and was felt by towns, workers, families, and businesses large and small, right across the state. When people living in drought-affected communities can’t afford to spend, the flow on effects to local tradies, suppliers and retailers can be devastating. Churches are also severely impacted and still are as farmers claw back accrued debt.


What is the Reach Australia Leadership Development Program?

The 24-month leadership development program is designed to help church leaders and their team grow their churches to become healthy, evangelistic, and multiplying churches.

The comprehensive program has 3 components:

  1. A comprehensive church Consult – Our comprehensive analysis of a church provides picture of your church’s health, as well as identifying pathways for growth into the future.
  2. Monthly Coaching with a trained coach – Building on our initial church health assessment, we provide monthly coaching from trained coaches to help pastors and their team implement change in their ministry as well as throughout the church.
  3. Leadership Cohort Intensives - Over 24-months, our residential intensives as well as online group training with a cohort of peers, deliver content from ministry experts. These cohorts will provide the skills and tools for growth, as well as peers to learn and share with.


What can we do to support regional pastors?

It is clear that pastors and their team benefit from participating in the Reach Australia leadership Development Program. The few regional church pastors that have participated provide solid testament to the program and have seen their churches grow and new people give their life to Jesus. The question is how to get more regional pastors to participate given the cost and the fact many of these regional churches are struggling financially.

Currently there are a number of pastors who want to participate but their churches cannot justify the $11,000 investment ($5,500 x 2 years).


What can you do? 

Reach Australia is seeking to raise $100,000 over a 2-year period to subsidise the 20 pastors to participate in the program. This equates to a 50% subsidy on the program cost for each regional pastor.


Please Give Today to Help Support Regional Church Pastors Grow.

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